
OGR conversion

Convert format


Converts any OGR-supported vector layer into another OGR-supported format. This algorithm is derived from the ogr2ogr utility .


Input layer [vector: any]
Input vector layer.
Destination Format [selection]

Defines the destination format. By default this is ESRI Shapefile.


  • 0 — ESRI Shapefile
  • 1 — GeoJSON
  • 2 — GeoRSS
  • 3 — SQLite
  • 4 — GMT
  • 5 — MapInfo File
  • 6 — INTERLIS 1
  • 7 — INTERLIS 2
  • 8 — GML
  • 9 — Geoconcept
  • 10 — DXF
  • 11 — DGN
  • 12 — CSV
  • 13 — BNA
  • 14 — S57
  • 15 — KML
  • 16 — GPX
  • 17 — PGDump
  • 18 — GPSTrackMaker
  • 19 — ODS
  • 20 — XLSX
  • 21 — PDF

Default: 0

Creation Options [string]


<put parameter description here>

Default: (not set)


Output layer [vector]
Output vector layer.

Console usage

processing.runalg('gdalogr:convertformat', input_layer, format, options, output_layer)

See also