Pit Remove


Identifies all pits in the DEM and raises their elevation to the level of the lowest pour point around their edge. Pits are low elevation areas in digital elevation models (DEMs) that are completely surrounded by higher terrain. They are generally taken to be artifacts that interfere with the routing of flow across DEMs, so are removed by raising their elevation to the point where they drain off the edge of the domain. The pour point is the lowest point on the boundary of the “watershed” draining to the pit. This step is not essential if you have reason to believe that the pits in your DEM are real. If a few pits actually exist and so should not be removed, while at the same time others are believed to be artifacts that need to be removed, the actual pits should have NODATA elevation values inserted at their lowest point. NODATA values serve to define edges in the domain, and elevations are only raised to where flow is off an edge, so an internal NODATA value will stop a pit from being removed, if necessary.


Elevation Grid [raster]
A digital elevation model (DEM) grid to serve as the base input for the terrain analysis and stream delineation.


Pit Removed Elevation Grid [raster]
A grid of elevation values with pits removed so that flow is routed off of the domain.

Console usage

processing.runalg('taudem:pitremove', -z, -fel)

See also