Multi direction lee filter


<put algortithm description here>


Grid [raster]
<put parameter description here>
Estimated Noise (absolute) [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 1.0

Estimated Noise (relative) [number]

<put parameter description here>

Default: 1.0

Weighted [boolean]

<put parameter description here>

Default: True

Method [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — [0] noise variance given as absolute value
  • 1 — [1] noise variance given relative to mean standard deviation
  • 2 — [2] original calculation (Ringeler)

Default: 0


Filtered Grid [raster]
<put output description here>
Minimum Standard Deviation [raster]
<put output description here>
Direction of Minimum Standard Deviation [raster]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:multidirectionleefilter', input, noise_abs, noise_rel, weighted, method, result, stddev, dir)

See also