이번 강의에서는 여러분이 GRASS의 능력을 잘 알 수 있는 여러 도구들을 소개하겠습니다.
Open the GRASS Tools dialog.
Look for the r.colors.table module by searching for it in the Filter field of the Modules List tab.
Open the tool and set it up like this:
When you run the tool, it will recolor your raster:
GRASS allows you to use a DEM to visualize your data in three dimensions. The tool you’ll use for this operates on the GRASS Region, which at the moment is set to the whole extent of South Africa, as you set it up before.
When this tool is activated, your cursor will turn into a cross when over the QGIS map canvas.
Using this tool, click and drag a rectangle around the edges of the GRASS raster.
Click OK in the GRASS Region Settings dialog when done.
Search for the nviz tool:
Set it up as shown:
Remember to enable both Use region of this map buttons to the right of the two raster selection dropdown menus. This will allow NVIZ to correctly assess the resolution of the rasters.
Click the Run button.
NVIZ will set up a 3D environment using the raster and vector selected. This may take some time, depending on your hardware. When it’s done, you will see the map rendered in 3D in a new window:
Experiment with the height, z-exag, and View method settings to change your view of the data. The navigation methods may take some getting used to.
After experimenting, close the NVIZ window.
도구를 실행하십시오.
The Mapcalc dialog allows you to construct a sequence of analyses to be performed on a raster, or collection of rasters. You will use these tools to do so:
Using these tools:
Construct the following algorithm:
When you click Run, your output should look like this:
Click View output to see the output displayed in your map:
This shows all the areas where the terrain is lower than 500 meters or higher than 1000 meters.
이 강의에서는 GRASS가 제공하는 수많은 도구 가운데 몇 가지만을 살펴보았습니다. GRASS의 능력을 직접 느껴보고 싶다면, GRASS Tools 대화 창을 열고 Modules List 를 스크롤해보십시오. 또는 더 정돈된 방법으로, 도구들을 유형별로 조직화한 Modules Tree 탭을 살펴보십시오.