` `


Curva hipsométrico


Calculate hypsometric curves for features of polygon layer and save them as CSV file for further processing.


DEM to analyze [raster]
DEM to use for calculating altitudes.
Boundary layer [vector: polygon]
Polygonal vector layer with boundaries of areas used to calculate hypsometric curves.
Paso [number]

Distance between curves.

Por defecto: 100.0

Use % of area instead of absolute value [boolean]

Write area percentage to “Area” field of the CSV file instead of absolute area value.

Predeterminado: False


Directorio de salida [directory]

Directory where output will be saved. For each feature from input vector layer CSV file with area and altitude values will be created.

File name consists of prefix hystogram_ followed by layer name and feature ID.

Uso de la consola

processing.runalg('qgis:hypsometriccurves', input_dem, boundary_layer, step, use_percentage, output_directory)

Ver también

Estadisticas de una capa raster


Calculates basic statistics of the raster layer.


Capa de entrada [raster]

Ráster a analizar.


Estadísticas [html]

Resultados de análisis en formato HTML.

Valor mínimo [number]
Minimum cell value.
Maximum value [number]
Maximum cell value.
Suma [number]
Sum of all cells values.
Valor medio [number]
Mean cell value.
valid cells count [number]
Number of cells with data.
Cuenta de celdas sin datos [number]
Number of NODATA cells.
Desviación estandar [number]
Standard deviation of cells values.

Uso de la consola

processing.runalg('qgis:rasterlayerstatistics', input, output_html_file)

Ver también

Estadistica zonal


Calculates some statistics values for pixels of input raster inside certain zones, defined as polygon layer.

Following values calculated for each zone:

  • mínimo

  • máximo

  • suma

  • Número

  • media

  • desviación estándar

  • número de valores únicos

  • intervalo

  • varianza


Capa ráster [raster]

Ráster a analizar.

Raster band [number]

Number of raster band to analyze.

Predeterminado: 1

Vector layer containing zones [vector: polygon]
Layer with zones boundaries.
Output column prefix [string]

Prefijo para campos salida.

Predeterminado: _

Cargar todo el ráster en memoria [boolean]

Determines if raster band will be loaded in memory (True) or readed by chunks (False). Useful only when disk IO or raster scanning inefficiencies are your limiting factor.

Por defecto: True


Capa de salida [vector]
The resulting layer. Basically this is same layer as zones layer with new columns containing statistics added.

Uso de la consola

processing.runalg('qgis:zonalstatistics', input_raster, raster_band, input_vector, column_prefix, global_extent, output_layer)

Ver también