SEXTENTEアルゴリズムを実行するたびに、プロセスに関する情報がSEXTENTE history managerの中に保存されます。使用されるパラメータと共に、実行した日時も保存されます。
SEXTANTE history manager は 実行日時にしたがってグルーピングされたレジストリ入力のセットであり、任意の特定の時点で実行されるアルゴリズムの情報を見つけることを容易にします。
Figure SEXANTE 28:
Along with algorithm executions, SEXTANTE communicates with the user using the other groups of the registry, namely Errors, Warnings and Information. In case something is not working properly, having a look at the Errors might help you to see what is happening. If you get in contact with a SEXTANTE developer to report a bug or error, the information in that group will be very useful for him to find out what is going wrong.
When executing third party algorithms, this is usually done calling their command-line interfaces, which communicate with the user using the console. Although that console is not shown, a full dump of it is stored in the Information group each time you run one of those algorithms. If, for instance, you are having problems executing a SAGA algorithm, look for an entry name ‘SAGA execution console output’ to check all the messages generated by SAGA and try to find out where the problem is.
Some algorithms, even if they can produce a result with the given input data, might add comments or additional information to Warning in case they detect potential problems from that data, in order to warn you about them. Make sure you check those messages in case you are having unexpected results.