Raster Terrain Analysis Plugin

dem_analysis The Raster Terrain Analysis Plugin can be used to calculate the slope, aspect, hillshade, ruggedness index and relief for digital elevation models (DEM). It is very simple to handle and provides an intuitive graphical user interface for creating new raster layers (See Figure_raster_terrain_1).


  • 傾斜:各セルの傾斜角を度単位で計算する(一時導関数の推定に基づく)。

  • 傾斜方位:説明(反時計回りに、北方向は0から始まる)。

  • Hillshade: Create shaded map using light and shadow to provide a more three-dimensional appearance for a shaded relief map.
  • Ruggedness Index: A quantitative measurement of terrain heterogeneity as described by Riley et al. (1999). It is calculated for every location, by summarizing the change in elevation within the 3x3 pixel grid.
  • Relief: Creating a shaded relief map from digital elevation data. Implemented is a method to choose the elevation colors analysing the frequency distribution.

Figure Raster Terrain 1:


Raster Terrain Modelling Plugin (slope calculation)


  1. Start QGIS and load the gtopo30 raster layer from the GRASS sample location.
  2. Load the Raster Terrain Analysis plugin in the Plugin Manager (see Section QGISコアプラグインをロードする)
  3. Select an analysis method from menu (e.g. Raster ‣ Terrain Analysis ‣ Slope). The Slope dialog appears as shown in Figure_raster_terrain_1.
  4. 出力ファイルパスおよび出力ファイルタイプを指定します。

  5. **[OK]**をクリックします。