Обработка геометрии

Points, linestrings and polygons that represent a spatial feature are commonly referred to as geometries. In QGIS they are represented with the QgsGeometry class. All possible geometry types are nicely shown in JTS discussion page.

Sometimes one geometry is actually a collection of simple (single-part) geometries. Such a geometry is called a multi-part geometry. If it contains just one type of simple geometry, we call it multi-point, multi-linestring or multi-polygon. For example, a country consisting of multiple islands can be represented as a multi-polygon.

Координаты, описывающие геометрию, могут быть в любой системе координат (CRS). Когда выполняется доступ к объектам слоя, ассоциированые геометрии будут выданы с координатами в СК слоя.

Создание геометрий

There are several options for creating a geometry:

  • from coordinates

    gPnt = QgsGeometry.fromPoint(QgsPoint(1,1))
    gLine = QgsGeometry.fromPolyline([QgsPoint(1, 1), QgsPoint(2, 2)])
    gPolygon = QgsGeometry.fromPolygon([[QgsPoint(1, 1), QgsPoint(2, 2), QgsPoint(2, 1)]])

    Координаты задаются при помощи класса QgsPoint.

    Полилиния описывается массивом точек. Полигон представляется как список линейных колец (например, замкнутых линий). Первое кольцо — внешнее (граница), последующие не обязательные кольца описывают дырки в полигоне.

    Составные геометрии имеют дополнительный уровень вложености, так: мульти-точка это список точек, мульти-линия — список линий и мульти-полигон является списком полигонов.

  • from well-known text (WKT)

    gem = QgsGeometry.fromWkt("POINT(3 4)")
  • from well-known binary (WKB)

    g = QgsGeometry()
    g.setWkbAndOwnership(wkb, len(wkb))

Доступ к геометрии

First, you should find out geometry type, wkbType() method is the one to use — it returns a value from QGis.WkbType enumeration

>>> gPnt.wkbType() == QGis.WKBPoint
>>> gLine.wkbType() == QGis.WKBLineString
>>> gPolygon.wkbType() == QGis.WKBPolygon
>>> gPolygon.wkbType() == QGis.WKBMultiPolygon

As an alternative, one can use type() method which returns a value from QGis.GeometryType enumeration. There is also a helper function isMultipart() to find out whether a geometry is multipart or not.

To extract information from geometry there are accessor functions for every vector type. How to use accessors

>>> gPnt.asPoint()
(1, 1)
>>> gLine.asPolyline()
[(1, 1), (2, 2)]
>>> gPolygon.asPolygon()
[[(1, 1), (2, 2), (2, 1), (1, 1)]]

Примечание: очередь (x,y) не является настоящей очередью, это объект QgsPoint, а к его значениям можно обратиться при помощи методов x() и y().

Для составных геометрий существуют аналогичныей фукнции доступа: asMultiPoint(), asMultiPolyline(), asMultiPolygon().

Геометрические предикаты и операции

QGIS uses GEOS library for advanced geometry operations such as geometry predicates (contains(), intersects(), ...) and set operations (union(), difference(), ...). It can also compute geometric properties of geometries, such as area (in the case of polygons) or lengths (for polygons and lines)

Here you have a small example that combines iterating over the features in a given layer and performing some geometric computations based on their geometries.

# we assume that 'layer' is a polygon layer
features = layer.getFeatures()
for f in features:
  geom = f.geometry()
  print "Area:", geom.area()
  print "Perimeter:", geom.length()

Areas and perimeters don’t take CRS into account when computed using these methods from the QgsGeometry class. For a more powerful area and distance calculation, the QgsDistanceArea class can be used. If projections are turned off, calculations will be planar, otherwise they’ll be done on the ellipsoid. When an ellipsoid is not set explicitly, WGS84 parameters are used for calculations.

d = QgsDistanceArea()

print "distance in meters: ", d.measureLine(QgsPoint(10,10),QgsPoint(11,11))

You can find many example of algorithms that are included in QGIS and use these methods to analyze and transform vector data. Here are some links to the code of a few of them.

Additional information can be found in following sources: