Translate (convert format) ========================== Description ----------- Parameters ---------- ``Input layer`` [raster] ``Set the size of the output file (In pixels or %)`` [number] Default: *100* ``Output size is a percentage of input size`` [boolean] Default: *True* ``Nodata value, leave as none to take the nodata value from input`` [string] Default: *none* ``Expand`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- none * 1 --- gray * 2 --- rgb * 3 --- rgba Default: *0* ``Output projection for output file [leave blank to use input projection]`` [crs] Default: *None* ``Subset based on georeferenced coordinates`` [extent] Default: *0,1,0,1* ``Copy all subdatasets of this file to individual output files`` [boolean] Default: *False* ``Additional creation parameters`` [string] Optional. Default: *(not set)* ``Output raster type`` [selection] Options: * 0 --- Byte * 1 --- Int16 * 2 --- UInt16 * 3 --- UInt32 * 4 --- Int32 * 5 --- Float32 * 6 --- Float64 * 7 --- CInt16 * 8 --- CInt32 * 9 --- CFloat32 * 10 --- CFloat64 Default: *5* Outputs ------- ``Output layer`` [raster] Console usage ------------- :: processing.runalg('gdalogr:translate', input, outsize, outsize_perc, no_data, expand, srs, projwin, sds, extra, rtype, output) See also --------