Proximity (raster distance) =========================== Description ----------- The proximity algorithm generates a raster proximity map indicating the distance from the center of each pixel to the center of the nearest pixel identified as a target pixel. Target pixels are those in the source raster for which the raster pixel value is in the set of target pixel values. Parameters ---------- ``Input layer`` [raster] Raster in input ``Values`` [string] A list of target pixel values in the source image to be considered target pixels. If not specified, all non-zero pixels will be considered target pixels. Default: *(not set)* ``Dist units`` [selection] Indicate whether distances generated should be in pixel or georeferenced coordinates. Options: * 0 --- GEO * 1 --- PIXEL Default: *0* ``Max dist (negative value to ignore)`` [number] The maximum distance to be generated. The nodata value will be used for pixels beyond this distance. If a nodata value is not provided, the output band will be queried for its nodata value. If the output band does not have a nodata value, then the value 65535 will be used. Distance is interpreted in pixels unless *distunits* GEO is specified Default: *-1* ``No data (negative value to ignore)`` [number] Specify a nodata value to use for the destination proximity raster Default: *-1* ``Fixed buf val (negative value to ignore)`` [number] Specify a value to be applied to all pixels that are within the -maxdist of target pixels (including the target pixels) instead of a distance value Default: *-1* ``Output raster type`` [selection] Raster file type Options: * 0 --- Byte * 1 --- Int16 * 2 --- UInt16 * 3 --- UInt32 * 4 --- Int32 * 5 --- Float32 * 6 --- Float64 * 7 --- CInt16 * 8 --- CInt32 * 9 --- CFloat32 * 10 --- CFloat64 Default: *5* Outputs ------- ``Output layer`` [raster] Raster file in output Console usage ------------- :: processing.runalg('gdalogr:proximity', input, values, units, max_dist, nodata, buf_val, rtype, output) See also -------- `GDAL proximity algorithm `_