QGIS API Documentation 3.43.0-Master (4a232bb9ac1)
This is the complete list of members for QgsRasterAttributeTableModel, including all inherited members.
columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
editable() const | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
flags(const QModelIndex &index) const override | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
hasColor() const | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
hasRamp() const | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const override | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
headerNames() const | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
headerTooltip(const int section) const | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
insertColor(int position, QString *errorMessage=nullptr) | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
insertField(const int position, const QString &name, const Qgis::RasterAttributeTableFieldUsage usage, const QMetaType::Type type, QString *errorMessage=nullptr) | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
insertField(const int position, const QString &name, const Qgis::RasterAttributeTableFieldUsage usage, const QVariant::Type type, QString *errorMessage=nullptr) | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
insertRamp(int position, QString *errorMessage=nullptr) | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
insertRow(const int position, const QVariantList &rowData, QString *errorMessage=nullptr) | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
isDirty() | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
isValid(QString *errorMessage=nullptr) | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
QgsRasterAttributeTableModel(QgsRasterAttributeTable *rat, QObject *parent=nullptr) | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | explicit |
removeColorOrRamp(QString *errorMessage=nullptr) | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
removeField(const int position, QString *errorMessage=nullptr) | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
removeRow(const int position, QString *errorMessage=nullptr) | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) override | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel | |
setEditable(bool editable) | QgsRasterAttributeTableModel |